This thread is for links to and discussion of the custom maps and mods used in our roleplaying events. If you have suggestions for maps, skins and/or weapons to be added, post them here.
This pack contains all the skins and weapons currently used in the RPGs. The pack is updated regularly, so you should probably check this thread before each session to ensure you have the latest version. I will post a changelog here after every update.
atton - Atton Rand/Dedrick Jones.
battledroid - B1 Battle Droid.
bith - A Bith.
calo - Calo Nord.
carth - Carth Onasi
chissreborn - A Chiss Reborn/Jedi. Used as Iwair's skin.
cloneultcom - Clone Commando.
darthreven - Revan in his original Sith armor.
darthsion - Sleeps-with-vibroblades.
derrick - Generic Human male mercenary customization, with KotOR armor.
DeviantMando - Chrome-armored Mandalorian customization.
dustil - Dustil Onasi
Raena - Raena. (#haveyouseenthiswoman?)
Guns - Zagara's boyfriend with a robotic arm.
hk47 - Everyone's favorite assassin droid.
hk50 - Everyone's favorite mass-produced assassin droids.
hs_dooku - Count Dooku/Senator Trump.
imperialcommando - Imperial Navy Trooper.
Itho - Ithorians:
default - Blue outfit.
default_2 - Brown outfit.
default_3 - Brown and orange outfit.
default_4 - Green outfit.
Jax - One of the many, many Jax Pavans. Not the one from the books. Has multiple variants:
default - Blue-grey shirt and brown vest.
robe - Brown Jedi robe.
robe-b - Green Jedi robe.
robe-c - Green robe with white tunic.
robe-d - Green robe with brown-trimmed tunic.
snow - Arctic gear.
var2 - Grey shirt and black vest.
var3 - Red-orange shirt with silver vest.
var4 - Black shirt.
jedi_stkotor_aliens1 - Male alien Jedi customization.
jedi_stkotor_aliens2 - Ditto.
jedi_tm - Twi'lek male civilian customization.
JediFem1 - KotOR 1 female Jedi customization.
PSK_KAM - Versiof, or his more well known impostor from the Clone Wars.
kreia - That old lady you were stuck with on KotOR II.
LieutenantLyste - An Imperial Officer from Rebels.
Luke_EU - Jacen, who bears a striking resemblance to a certain farm boy.
mandalore - Mandalorian leader.
Mandalorian - Mandalorian neo-crusader customization.
nihilus - The Lord of Hunger.
OpoChano - Duros. Features default_# variants like the Ithorians.
Rakata - Ancient Aliens.
Rayce - Rayce Skykiller/Kontorora.
RepLightTrooper - Old Republic Soldier.
republictrooper - Old Republic special forces trooper.
sarran_kysak - Wolfeye's old skin from Random.
SavageOpressRobes - Darth Maul's little bro.
SavageOpressRobesD - A variant of the above, in a different folder for some reason.
Selkath - Fish people from Manan.
sith_warrior - K1 armored sith.
sithimp - Sith Imperial Officer/Agent.
sithsoldier - KotOR Sith Trooper.
sithsoldier2 - SWTOR Sith Trooper.
^ Add /infected to any of the above three skins to get a zombie-like version.
sullustan - The oddly fish-like natives of a lava planet.
Swoopgang - Nikto thugs.
traya - Kreia during her Sith phase.
tulak_hord - Tulak Hord.
TwinSuns - Twi'lek female civilian customization.
Visas - The Exile's Sith bodyguard.
wardroid - Sith battle droid.
verasx - Cheif Tal Varasx, my SIS commander character.
catri - Agent Catri Niachei, the catgirl agent.
Damian - Agent Reyal
ViSyndahl - Art's Agent character.
cyborg_K - Agent Phelps
Jedi_GenericFemale1/Jedi_GenericFemale1A - ST Female Jedi Customization.
jedi_stkotor_european - Generic human male Jedi customization.
UJP_humanSP - More generic human Jedi.
SenatorTikkes - Generic Quarren in formal wear.
dark_honor_guard - Sith Dark Honor Guard.
darkjedi - KotOR 1 generic Dark Jedi/Sith.
hk55 - Gold HK-55 unit.
jedi_battlelord - Armored Jedi Knight
JtempleG - Jedi Temple Guard
sateleshan - Satele Shan
sith_assassin - KotOR 2 Sith Assassin
sith_master - KotOR 2 Sith Master
sith_warrior2 - SWTOR Sith Warrior
t7-o1 - T7 Astromech Droid
telos_officer - Republic Police Officer
zakuul_knight - Zakuul Knight
darth_marr - Darth Marr, or one of the hundreds of other Sith wearing his armor.
hylo_visz - Hylo Visz, the famous Mirilian smuggler who broke the Mandalorian blockade.
niko_okarr - Niko Okarr, the smuggler from the SWTOR "Return" cinematic.
porg - A Porg (not usable by players).
shaevizla - Shae Vizla, the Mandalorian from the SWTOR "Deceived" cinematic.
Sith_Pureblood - A Sith Pureblood, wearing Darth Marr's armor.
theron_shan - Tharon Shan, Satele's son and former SIS agent.
Tythonian_War_Droid - Ancient Battle Droid.
dx2 - The SWTOR Resonating Vibroblade.
stunbaton - A KotOR-style Stun Baton.
gammobaxe - A Gamorrean battle-axe. Perfect for guarding Hutt palaces!
qstick - The Quarterstick. Like a quarterstaff, but one-handed!
qstaff - A full quarterstaff.
shortsword - A KotOR-style um... yeah.
longsword - Guess.
doublesword - A literal double-edged sword.
wookieblade - The Wookiee warblade: yet another reason not to piss them off.
vibroblade - The good 'ol classic vibroblade, everyone's favorite high-tech space katanas.
vibrosword - The vibroblade's big brother.
vibrodoubleblade - For when two blades are better than one.
echaniblade - The yellow Echani vibroblade.
mandoblade - The Mandalorian vidroblade. It's... blue!
echanidoubleblade - Guess.
mandodoubleblade - Guess.
Vibroswordmando - The mando vibroblade from an older pack. Iooks the same as the other one but lower quality. I may override it with something else.
templeg - Temple guard lightsaber (Single).
templeg2 - Temple guard lightsaber (Staff).