Member Name Dream
Contact Information my username on steam is Tony and i have a picture from the movie titled lion king which is Simba
Aliases Dream / Tony
Country Canada
Steam Username Tony
Discord Username Tony#0620
Other Information
How did you find out about this clan? When i first joined the server Rayce and Daedalus were the first ones i met and seen and i took an interest to the team after finding out what it had to offer and i dident regret it
Have you been in any previous clans or teams? If so, which ones? GoD, SR, JD, i'm sure there are others but i cant remember them right now
How long have you been playing Jedi Academy? Around 3-4 years on and off i'd say, it could of been longer but i'm not sure
Why do you want to join this clan? To reunite with old friends and have a good time, competitively and casual, no other reason really, i know that Shadow Order is dying so i hope i can help support it and keep it strong and give it an extra player to help it grow a little bit
Comments Believe in Jesus Christ and have a good day ;3